Protection and Confidentiality

This system ensures your anonymity.

Disclosure of the whistleblower's identity is optional and not mandatory, solely for the purpose of communicating in-depth reports (if necessary).

All Personal Identities and Disclosure Substances are protected by Data Encryption Mechanisms.

The company is committed to protecting whistleblowers who report violations in good fait.

We strive to protect whistleblowers and provide them with the necessary security guarantees to foster a culture of reporting violations without fear of retaliation.

In the event of retaliation against a whistleblower, such as pressure, threats, or other harmful actions, the company encourages the whistleblower to report the incident through the designated channels. If the issue cannot be resolved within the company, the whistleblower has the right to seek assistance from external institutions, such as mediators, law enforcement, or the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), and the company must bear the expenses.